Ownership history of the land within the H.H. Renshaw Sub in Center Line, Michigan
1835 through 1919

Abstract Cover
Abstract of Title - H. H. Renshaw Subdivision
[click image to read the Abstract - PDF file, 19.4 MB]
Most of the homes on Central, Dale or Mae Avenues between Van Dyke and Burg Roads are part of the H.H. Renshaw Subdivision that was platted in 1919.  My first cousin, Mark Grobbel, who grew up on Dale Ave., recently gave me the Abstract of Title that his father received when he bought their lot.

The Abstract describes all of the sales information for the land parcels making up what is now the H.H. Renshaw Subdivision that occurred over the period of 1835 through 1919.  It also includes all recorded  mortgages for which those properties were held as security.  The Abstract also contains the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Miller as well as all of the information associated with the probating of that will.  It also contains the bill of complaint that was filed by H. Herbert Renshaw to obtain clear title to the properties contained in his subdivision. Click on the Abstract cover image at left to read it in its entirety.

Click here to view the original 1919 H.H. Renshaw Subdivision plat map.  It was later amended to revise the lots and streets east of Lorraine.

H.H. Renshaw Subdivision plat map as of 2014
This is a current map showing the lots and streets that are encompassed by the H.H. Renshaw Subdivision [source].

While the information contained in the Abstract is very interesting, it is hard to make sense of the size and location of the parcels based upon their written legal description. Therefore I have taken the Abstract information and created the following series of color-coded plat map for each of the various sales and arranged them in chronological order.


Webmaster: Mike Grobbel
Created: Jan. 7, 2015